Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Name this newspaper comic??

The characters are animals. There is a zebra called Zebra, a rat called Rat. There are lions, heyinas, and crocodiles. Does anyone know what it is??!!?!!???

Does anyone know the story behind Ric Flair parting ways with WWE

I was saddened when I saw this, but does anyone know the story behind this and why he decided to leave?

Great with a married man...but is that it?

I've been in this same exact situation, so I can't judge you. I was completely in love with a married man and he constantly told me he was leaving his wife, that he was unhappy in his marriage, she doesn't understand him, and that he loves me and wants to be with me. I left him, and now, 5 years later he is still married to her and they're having their second child. Pay attention to his ACTIONS, not his WORDS.

Am i in love or infatuated ?

don't worry, you're not infatuated. we've all been there and you love him. But if you don't want to lose him again you need to get over the past. if he didn't want to be with you then you wouldn't have gotten back together. Just enjoy your relationship. don't worry =]

I need help understanding CA building codes.?

You can purchase a 2006 IRC code and commentary from www.amazon.com for clarification. Frankly, the code books are straight forward and in no way should be confusing for an English speaking individual. The code is broken down by section of trades or requirements such as exiting and occupancy. They list the rules and provide exceptions to those rules immediately after each section. How complicated is that? Send me an email if you still have questions pertaining the code.

Was Beyonce's song "If I Were a Boy" called "If I WAS a Boy" at one time?

I swear I remember thinking right after the song was released that there was a grammatical error in the title...am I crazy?

Why wasn't 9/11 made a day of remembrance instead of a day of service?

I have to disagree, we were attacked on 9/11 not on 9/12. And whether we like it or not, and to hell with political correctness, yes we were attacked by an enemy. 9/11 should be remembered as the day that Americans died at the hands of our enemies, and the sooner that we all realize it, the better off our country is going to be.

Do I pay taxes on my Lotto Winnings?

I know when a person wins the Lotto the government takes away 60% of your winnings, but do they take away more taxes as the years goes on?


It probably means the item looks "worn". The care directions should be on a tag on the jacket. My best guess that it will need special dry cleaning

Can a company (LLC) do this lawfully?

did you try to google state and look up the stautes. i think it is possible. becasue this country is build on bussiness entity. also you can do some foot work and go the your local hall of records and find this info mation out. you would be suprise what is availbel right under your nose in your local town.

My friend's weight is 120 kgs. she wants to lose her weight without any surgery. wat can she do?

First is diet control. Second is doing exercises. Third is eating only vegetables and fruits and do not take rice or atta or wheat. Everyday after getting up and face washing, stand in front of mirror about ten to fifteen minutes, chant any slokas with smiling and take oath that my weight is reducing day by day. In this case, you can see the changes within a short time.

Please help I am no molecular biology expert!?

First of all uneed to find out the sequence of that Rna or gene and then only someone will like me can help u out

Could i be pregnant.?

im 15, no longer a virgin since may, nd maybe its bcuz of tht, tht i've bn gettiing a lot more discharge than usual. its usually a lot, nd now its starting to smell:/ nd i feel like im always wet. its like a cream color and goooy nd kinda thick..i've also had my period for a little more than a year now...i had unprotected in july...nd i skipped 2 months without my period til finally i got it 2 weeks a go...now..i kinda started spotting a little..help.!?

If your cervix is angled towards your "back", is it more difficult to become pregnant?

When I was in for my last PAP test (Nov 2007) I was informed that my cervix is slightly angled towards my backside. I am just curious if there are other women out there with this, and if it made much of a difference in becoming pregnant? Thanks!

Is it legal for you to turn into a turning lane from the Straight lane?

I was stopped at a four way intersection and i was right by the turning lane, so i put on my blinker and i moved into the turning lane and i had plenty of room to do it. Not so soon after that i got pulled over by a cop and she gave a ticket for improper left turn. Was it legal for me to do it

A hot-air balloon is ascending at the rate of 15 m/s and is 50 m above the ground?

.when a package is dropped over the side (a) How long does the package take to reach the ground? (b) With what speed does it hit the ground?

Turn signal flasher question.?

hi ppl.its hard to explain.im having problems with my turn signal for 2000 plymouth breeze.i turn left or right on my turn signal and the light stays solid.i check on the signal lights and all works fine.i keep toggle the switch to get it to start flashing and went out again.sometimes it don't flash at all.do i have to open the steering collum to remove the turn signal flasher? if i do remove the collum and attempt to remove the turn signal flasher.will i trigger the airbag sensor?please let me know guys and tell me if its easy or not.i appreciate ur help.

Is is possible to add a PCI-E slot to your motherboard if you've got a PCI-riser ?

I'm new to all this stuff and my PC's only got PCI slots, no AGP, no PCI-E. I've only got a PCI riser slot. What, if anything, can I do to add a PCI-E slot on it ?

Are 'boom' and 'tingling' a paradox?

It's impossible to say without seeing the sentence you refer to. The words, taken out of context, are not necessarily contradictory. "Tingling" is usually an adjective ( possibly a verb form ) while "boom" is either a noun or a verb.

How has humans landing on the moon affected modern society?

I am doing a school project on space and space exploration and it would be great if you could help me out.

Where can i Buy the Novint falcon online and how long will the shiping take to California (los angless)?

The great city of Los Angeles? - well, it will take forever, if you don't spell the place correctly. Nextag, amazon for starters.

Why does God give good people eternal damnation?

Actually, Christianity was thought up by Roman Elite as a way to control the people. There is no eternal damnation, it was a way to try to control their people from acting out and structure Roman civilization.

Is it true that evening primrose helps you during menopause?

i am 45 years old, i was on hrt for 8 years, and now i decided to stop taking anymore, what can i take to help myself feeling good/protect my bones from osteoporosis/

Why do anti illegals still use CIS FAIR and Numbers USA when they have racist ties?

Wow people are seriously mental if they think that illegal immigration is connected in ANY WAY to freaking skin color.

Boiler working but no hot water through taps?

Without looking at the manual, I would say the fault lies in the Domestic Water Flow valve which is faulty, and needs replacing.

Help!! Moth invasion in pantry!!?

I dont know what to do, im at wits end about this situation. I have never been one to have bugs in my house and now my pantry has been overtaken by small moths of some sort. They wont go away. Finally last night I took everything out of the pantry and threw it away. That sucked because there was alot in there. I found small worm looking larve (gross) here and there and it was nasty. Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem. This is the first for me. Where did they come from? Did they make their way from something I bought a the store? Just thinking about it makes me ill. Please help, what can I do to make sure they are completely gone? My pantry is now currently empty. Is there a special spray or bomb? Any helpful hints or suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you.

E.G. and Benoit?

Who else miss benoit and guerrero, they both where great wrestlers- athletic, strong, agile. I think they where one of the best in the buisness. I miss them so much

Palin's gestures easy to make fun of?

Anyone who know the history of SNL knows that they make fun of every elected official they can. They have done it for decades, but what is important is that Palin can laugh it off. It is humor. We also know that alot of the entertainment would is LIBERAL very LIBERAL. As for Palin last night, maybe that is they way she really is and the first 2 interviews where she was not acting as you say were because she was nervous as anyone of us would be in the position.

How does the world each place school is conserve energy reduces the carbon? ?

There is no corbin foot print. The plants and the recycling of the CO2 has already taken care of it.The plants made our present supply of fossil fuels and they will continue....

What are your favorite movies, spiritually speaking?

I haven't seen all the movies in your list but the few I did, I enjoy. I also like "boring" movies (or people tell me they are boring- lots of talk talk talk and not a lot of action). Sometimes I will watch lame B movies from the 80's. I like kung fu flicks. I like movies by Lynch, Hitch and Tarantino.

Monday, November 14, 2011

What do you think of Ke$ha?

You just made me laugh so hard :D yes, i thinks he's absolutely AWFUL! She has no talent, her music is awful, and she just projects a bad image of herself. Ke$ha is also quite rude in my opinion. She's criticized rap, yet she neither sings nor raps in her songs, she just talks. She's also insulted Britney Spears. I can't say I'm a Britney fan, but at least Britney is good at what she does and doesn't look drunk all the time. I don't get how people can listen to her "music" (I don't even know if it deserves that title), every time it comes on the radio or TV i change the channel. It makes me so sad to see that this is what music has come to.

How can I prove to my parents that I can look after myself?!?

It depends on where in mexico. A lot of drug cartel around the northen part of mexico right now and its really not safe. To get your parents trust you have to show them you are responsible. Do you have a pet or anything? You could try to take of it. Try to spend the night at someone elses house and make sure to be home at your curfew. Call your parents to let them know you are ok. If you take an active approach and show them you are responsible i don't see why they shouldn't let you go out on your own. Unless they are very strict which is unhealthy then you should be able to explore and make your own mistakes.

Do most parents have a problem with interracial dating?

my dad is like that but less racy than your mom. He just says theres plenty of people of your race. But I just ignore him. Whatever color the guy if hes the one im looking for then thats that. Besides any woman no matter what color can play that card on anyone not just a black man.

Advice from people who have outside dogs?

I have a 2 year old male black lab and a german shepherd mix 5 month old puppy female. They both live outside and each have their own dog. Their houses are those great big wooden ones with shingles and they're lined in cedar chips and have a carpet square as a home made doggie door (hey! it works!) But winter's hitting hard this year, its been getting down to the 20's at night and next week supposed to get in the low teens! Is this enough protection? I know they're dogs/wild animals and can endure but geez! We live on 250 acres and they have full run but always stick around the house and use their houses. Should I go buy a crate and bring them in at night? tips?

Scared that when I actually am in labor, I'll get the same treatment at my hospital?

I am due July 2 (10 days woo-hoo!) 4 weeks ago at around 34.4 weeks I thought I was leaking water (which turned out not 2b) and was told to just come in and get it checked at the labor and delivery unit. well it happened to be after-hours. I went in though bc I am group b-strep positive and if I was leaking, I would need to be given antibiotics to prevent it from being spread to my baby. so this is what happened when I w ent: I went to er, got stopped by 3 different people, 1st a security guard asking ifI was visiting some1 (why would a visibly pregnant woman come in the middle of the night to visit some1??) , then some lady had to check my mother's bags, (dudnt ask 2 check mine), and then this other woman in er asked where we were both going when wwe walked by her after the other lady let us in, and I told ehr I was going to l and d, she didnt even bother to look anywhere but ym face to see how obviously pregnant I looked, and asked how many weeks I was. I told her and she was like "o

Skateboarding Question Please Help!?

ok first off your not going to ever go pro. if you had dreams of skating professionally you can forget it. so with that in mind don't worry about getting real good. yes if you do want to get better and learn tricks you'll have to take your instructors advice but since your career doesn't plan on skating as a career just go out and have fun. secondly your a girl. you shouldn't be skating you should be in the kitchen learning how to cook and raise babies.. duh

Can you plug a mini-fridge into a surge protector?

I live in a dorm, so I'm pretty limited on outlets. My fridge has a power input of 92 W. (I don't know if this helps, I'm electronically illiterate.)

Heyyy,need help here???????????????:(?

he has only been with her 4 months and wants out already? it is likely he will do the same to u not long down the line so dont fall for him too hard and yes ur friend will blame u and not want to be friends if u get with him 2.

HELP, I really want some Authentic Ugg Boots, but I don't know how I feel about wearing sheep SKIN!?

I do eat meat but I don't believe in killing an animal just for fashion. Although my battle over uggs is that people do eat lamb which is sheep. So technically the entire animal is not wasted just for their fur and skin, versus other animals like chinchilla and foxes that are killed ONLY for thier fur.

An active management strategy for fixed income securities requires the fund manager to increase duration of th?

true or false?An active management strategy for fixed income securities requires the fund manager to increase duration of the portfolio in anticipation of interest rate increases and decrease duration of the portfolio in anticipation of interest rate decreases.

Why do we pay so much council tax with an increase despite 0% pay increases?

Food prices have doubled in some cases. I am far worse off than a year ago. Energy prices also through the roof and they are all foreign owned energy companies. Oil prices have dropped yet we still pay through our noses. I think Gordon has something to do with it or that Lord Mandy or both. Racking in the money and squandering it on asylum seekers and foreign aid and expenses.

Good birthday gift for a guy turning 20?

That sounds really good but you guys have only been together for 2 months. Just take him out to dinner and then ice cream and get him a card. Wait until later birthdays to bring out the big guns!

Why is mitosis significant to organisms?

Because it is for growth and repair of tissues. It creates new cells to replace damaged ones, or to expand a tissue (make it grow).

What is a better choice for a car? an 07 mustang for $9500 or an 05 ford 500 for $12000?

I am 16 years old. My parents bought a used 2005 ford five hundred about three months ago (the car now has 90,000 miles on it). We bought the car because my sister started to drive my fathers old car (an 05 highlander) which he loved. Now my sister is a senior, and is not taking a car to college, so in six months, we will have three cars for a three person family. My dad will take the highlander back, my mother will continue to drive our sienna, and i will take the 05 ford 500. Now my dad doesn't like the 500; which in fact we are trying to sell. We were told by one of our friends who owns a used car dealership that we could sell the 500 for a minimum of $12000 because of the shape its still in, and the cars have a great safety rating. I have a close friend who is selling an 07 mustang for $9500 that only has 12,500 miles on it. I know this sounds like a situation where a teenager is just trying to get a hot car, but i have looked at the specs and other than IIHS safety tests, the cars are close to the same statistic wise, and the mustang actually gets better mileage. Now the pros of buying the mustang are that we would save $2500 and get a car that gets better gas mileage, and has much less miles on it. The cons would be that the insurance would go up, and we would get a car with somewhat of a lower safety rating. I still think that (besides how the car is beautiful) the statistical pro's outway the cons. Please give me your opinion, I would greatly appreciate it.

3 month old sucking fists after feeds?

Tobias is 3 months and for the past couple of weeks he's sucking his fists a lot. He does it when he's hungry, but he also does it just after feeds... however he will fall asleep doing it (which wouldn't happen if he was ravenous). Lately it seems he's doing it all the time and makes me think he's hungry all the time! I don't remember my first doing this... but he had a pacifier and this one doesn't. Is it a hunger thing or a "wow-I've-got-hands" thing?

When Eminem says "It goes Reggie, Jay-z, Tupac, and biggie, Andre from Outcast, Jada, Kurupt, Nas, and then me?

Nas-illmatic > When Eminem says "It goes Reggie, Jay-z, Tupac, and biggie, Andre from Outcast, Jada, Kurupt, Nas, and then me?

Anyone know this Bon Jovi song?

Does anyone know what album the song Wedding Day is on? Want to buy that CD for the song ... LOVE IT

Im really really confused ?

ok so they guy i liked and asked out OCT 15 came to my homeroom waiting outside the door for 10 mins after the lunch bell rang and he never dose that he didn't even have a reason . i could swear he was looking at me and then when i walked out he came in for 2 seconds did nothing interacted with no one and walked away ,he came for no reason unless he wanted to talk to me and this is the part that confuses me 2 girls in my cl found out that i liked him and asked him out the first one had been harrasing him every time he bought his lunch cause she works in the cafe she kept on asking him whats ur answer ect . and last week when she asked him again he told her he answerd me and he didn;t ! and then today on his buss the other gurl says she went and asked him is so and so gunna ask you out and he said she alredy did then she said did you answer and he said no shes like whts the answer he said no , now i dnno if shes telling the truth but i really like him and im in panic mode right now pleas help !

Is is possible to answer this question: If Pinocchio said his nose was going to grow, would it?

I stumbled upon this interesting paradox when my friend mentioned it at school. Post your answers or tell me why can or why can't you answer this.

Anyone had really painful gas?

Geez, earlier I woke up from a nap with what Im now uming was really bad gas. My stomach hurt so bad I was on the verge on tears, it went away after about an hour and 2 Tums. I knew it was contractions, because Ive had a baby before and I know what that feels like. But it took me a while to figure out it was gas because I was so frantic because of the awful pain. Anyone else had really bad gas like this?

Has anybody else noticed the ridiculous amount of talent at 1B currently in the MLB?

It's amazing when you think about it. 1B men didn't contribute as much to the defense in the past. They were put at 1B because they were slow and less athletic, but could knock the ball a mile. Now they are winning MVP awards. These guys are doing for 1B what Johnny Bench did for the Catcher's position. They are revolutionizing it.

Is rewriting the "Book of Samuel" a good idea for a book?

It would only be a good idea if you have any talent as a writer. Otherwise it may not turn out so well.

Can anyone help me with Wii wired internet connection using wii lan adapter? PLEASE!!!?

I have a wii and i have just bought a wii lan connector as we have wired internet connection (no wireless) I have connected the USB to the wii console and the ethernet connection to the Tel 1 port in the back of the router. We tried to get a connection but it brought up an error saying "Error Code: 51420 - Unable to connect to the internet. Please see the wii operations manual or visit support.nintendo.com for istance" Well we went to the support page for Nintendo and it wasnt very helpful or supportive!!! I have ran a command in command prompt to find out my IP address, subnet mask and default gateway and I have entered these in to the relevant boxes in the internet settings but i still keep getting this error message and i cannot get any connection. I just dont know what else to do or try and i really ned help please. Thanks in advance, Sammy.

Suggestions for a New Career Path?

I have been working in IT as a computer specialist for the last 5 years. I am well versed in Microsoft windows, Apple Macintosh and fairly knowledgeable in Linux/Unix. I have grown somewhat tired of this career after recently starting a new job at a company which I don't enjoy. I actually went to school for music and had some success touring with bands and doing music for some TV (news doentaries). I love movies and comedy, and consider myself a creative person, happiest when I am being creative with like minded people. What can I do for work? I really want to leave my current job, but I have no savings, and a family (I'm 31) so I can't be taking big risks. I know I could be a comedy writed for something like SNL or pretty much any show, because I have plenty of ideas. Jobs like that aren't freely available as far as I know. I would love to be creative, but like I said, I cant be hitting the pavement looking to sell some movie script or something (not that I've wrote one) I need something stable. Any suggestions?

Whats a good dirt bmx bike?

I am a mountain biker and have decided to give bmx a shot. i need a good dirt bmx that wont break and is good for 360s and air tricks, i wanna custom but wat would be a good complete

What Did You Think of Wrestling When You First Saw It?WQ inside?

I started watching wrestling in maybe 1998, possibly 99 I remember it was when the Rock was corporate champion. so probably 99 actually. I was intrigued and loved it right away, thought it was real for a while til my friends started saying it wasnt but I still watched til about 2003, i stopped watching after that until early 2007. I love watching it again now and wish I never stopped.

My mother really screwed me now im scared theyll take my tax money how do i find out bout any liens/judgements?

sorry so long but i need to find out i moved out her house and now im realizing she has 2 credit cards in my name we have the same first initials so i never thought to open certain stuff until now. I dont really care about her feelings or getting in trouble that mas grimey and inconsiderate any advice

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Are aluminium boots sprigs still able to be used in AFL games?

I know Adelaide Crows players still use the nailed leather studs on their boots but a few years back aluminium studs were all the go.

Jaw Really hurts, is it TMJ?

You cannot get TMJ from getting a filling done. What you need is to have that filling adjusted. If the filling is to high even by a pin point you will have severe pain when chewing and this pain will radiate to your jaw. Call the DDS and tell him you need it adjusted. Sometimes you have to go back more than once to get it just right.

Do you think Harvey Dent should have been in Batman Begins?

Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are both great movies, but I think it would have created a better story arc to see Harvey Dent in Batman Begins and then seem him turn in to Two-face later on in The Dark Knight. It would be more dramatic that way because we would care more whether or not he he gets corrupted. What do you guys think?

Dream of stealing things for a wedding?

To dream that you are stealing, denotes that you are deprived and where the stealing takes place (at home, the office, at school....) is indicative of your neediness. Alternatively, it may signify unrealized and unfulfilled goals. You may have set your goals too high.

What was your favorite basketball playoff series?

The series that ended the Lakers quest for a 4-pete. Derek Fisher and Kobe Bryant shown on TV crying on the bench is priceless.

During the oxidation of isocitrate, the intermediate that is decarboxylated to form α-ketoglutarate is ______.?

During the oxidation of isocitrate, the intermediate that is decarboxylated to form α-ketoglutarate is oxalosuccinate.

How did catholicism start???

The Catholic Church is the original church founded by Jesus Christ when he was personally present on the earth. The term "catholic" means "universal," which it essentially was up until the time some members broke away and formed Protestantism. To this day, Catholics make up by far the largest part of Christianity with over 1.2 billion.

Are YOU tired of our excessively partisan President?

Yes, I'm tired of it. He's supposed to lead. Sadly, he's no leader, just a bully who would run from a real fight.

Curly Hair To Straight. Help? 10 points!?

I have that straightener. It works great I have curly frizzy and thick hair and I just love that straightener.

Is this a lottery scam site? Send an Instant Message "City Lotto U.K" <claimsdirector_mr_davidnewton…

They tried to get me to give personal information after claiming that I won the lottery. I checked and found that the lottery was for UK residents only.

Would this be a good mix for someone...?

You don't state your age, your investing objective and whether this is a taxable account or a retirement account. It's all equities, however, with 50% in just two sectors - so it's pretty aggressive for sure.

Need to have a roomate removed---Updated question?

When I moved in 3 of us signed the lease. Today one sent notice to the landlord that she is moving out and is removing her name from the lease. In March the second roommate (roommate B) moved in her girlfriend with notice that it was non- negotiable. I recently found out that she never told the landlord that she was doing so. Roommate B is completely insane. While I was away she called the landlord to try to have me evicted. The landlord is not going to get involved in this as it is a personal issue and he refuses to evict anyone on the lease. Roommate B's girlfriend has now the option to add her name to the lease. Roommate B is a complete nightmare. She pay's the rent late that automatically comes out of my bank account on a preselected date as to insure that it is always with the landlord by the 1st of every month. Roommate B refuses to understand that when she pays me the rent late that it means that she is borrowing money from me. After my return from being out of town I was confronted by roommate B that the landlord is going through the process of having me evicted. I spoke with the landlord and found that he has no such intention and wants no involvement in this. The day after roommate B's computer stopped working (according to her) and that there was nail polish on it and since I had done my nails the night before I was the one who did it. In all honestly I believe she did it herself to create a fight between everyone. Last week I gave her an offer of $3000 to leave the apartment by 12/01/09. Today she stated that the offer was pathetic and she was not moving and she was going to make sure that I was. She also stated that she believes and is telling everyone that the reason the landlord is not evicting me is because we are sleeping together. This could not be further from the truth as he is married with 3 young children and I am in a relationship as well. During an argument today she again blamed me for breaking her computer (that I must add is old and has been crashing for over a year) stated she is going to stay in the living room as long as she feels like to make me uncomfortable so I would leave. When I told her that her immature actions are nothing more than annoying she picked up a jar candle and threw in onto the keyboard of my computer. I was able to fix the damage but I cannot continue to live my life this way. I truly love this apartment it has plenty of space (that for the past year and a half I have been the only one to clean the common spaces) I do not want to move I am currently 3 months pregnant and the set up of the apartment is prefect to add a nursery and she has continued to state that she will make my life hell until I leave and destroy my personal property. I really need any and all advice to get this nightmare out of my life. State CT---Latest update: Sunday night before I went to bed My other roommate was sleeping and the bedroom light in the crazy roommate's room was on. As always I locked the door before I went to sleep. I was woken up later to her drunk sreaming from the bottom of the stairs "Lock me out you f-ing ******. I'll kick your *** you F-ing ******" Over and over untill her girlfriend pulled her into her bedroom. I have spoken to a lawyer and that triggered something with her and she was going to call me back but I haven't heard from her yet. She did let me know that in the state of CT since the relationship is platonic that I cannot get a restraining order against he

Writing bibliography MLA?

Do I include just the sources that I cited in the paper, or everything useful that I have look at within my research?

Is the number of 144,000 in Revelation 7:4 merely symbolic?

I think that was written a very long time ago when not many people were around and it seemed like a lot of people.

Australians do u know wat will happen?

my best friend has 3 young children and has been claiming a single parent pension, she had a falling out with her father who has been ringing centrelink saying that her ex has lived with her ince 2000 wich is a load of crock, he does come there and see the kids and sometimes sleeps over and they have had but he does not support her financial and infact she is struggling financially, im scared for her, will she go to jail if they believe she is frauding them, she has no criminal history. just worried for her and the kids.

Are compulsive liars and cheaters capable of feeling love?

Of course they can feel love. you cannot live that life without feeling that emotion. im very sorry about what happened to you :( he just sounds like a terrible person. from what i see, it seems like he did love you but he took advantage of you, and he did not know what to do with himself. it seems like hes going through a really tough time, which could make his emotions go crazy and confused. even though it may not seem like it he must have loved you.. if he was a TRUE cheat and a liar he wouldnt have stayed with you for so long so obviously there was some love there. im sorry, everything will get better just give it some time :( he obviously didnt deserve you.

What is the total force acting on the spaceship?

The rocket engines on a spaceship of m 10^5 kg give a thrust of 10^6 i + 10^6 j + 2 x 10^6 k. uming the z axis is vertical, what is the total force acting on the spaceship?

Opposition players calling for a hand p to trick the one who's in possession???

Yes, you are so right. I have noticed the very same thing. It is not good sportsmanship at all - pretending to be a team mate - I can understand why they do it - but I feel they should go in and get the hard ball themselves. I cannot understand the reasoning of people who do not agree that this as it is unsportsman like and unethical. Come on us Australians are better people than this.

Rob Pattinson being replaced by Chase Crawford?

I just heard on Sirius that Robert Pattinson is leaving the Twilight franchise in order to pursue his music career. It is rumored that he will be replaced by Chase Crawford. Thoughts???

Can you help me with these three chemistry problems?

I cant do that but if you go to a href="http://www.wolframalpha.com/" rel="nofollow"http://www.wolframalpha.com//a itll will give you the answer and show you how to do it. best website ever :)

I received a "robo-call"....?

yesterday from a Democrat telling me how Elton Gallegly (R-CA) needs to be voted out of office because he's been there 24 years and that's too long. Do the Democrats in CA feel the same about Barbara Boxer? She's been on the throne for 28 years. If length in office is the Democratic yardstick, shouldn't they should back Carly Fiorina and tell Boxer to go?

Any ideas on how not to be scared?

ok so i am a gymnast and in Level 6. I am the best Level 5,6 and some 7 vaulter. But the problem is that I am horrified!! I have been doing good like 2/3 times i go for it. It's nothing new to me. I've been scared one time, got over it all good and then boom!! It happens again, ok good got over it. Then pow, it happens again. I just got over it for the 3rd time and im scared it's going to come back. please help me, im only 12!!! I cant handle this pressure!

Harry Potter films, some quieries.?

My guess is that, as the directors and other crew change, the overall feel and style of the films change as well. It's not just Dumbledore by the way, I'm sure you've noticed that the films themselves are getting darker and grungier. The books got darker too, but it's harder to convey the same depth of change in a two hour film, so they have to go with strong visual differences. As to Flitwick looking younger, I haven't really noticed. The actor's the same, so chalk it up to more directorial differences.

Has anyone been hypnotized to forget an unpleasant memory or person?

I haven't, but if I ever had the opportunity to erase any of my memories I wouldn't do it. Even it was bad, all my experiences have made me the person I am today. If it was a bad experience I just try my best not to think about it, but i would not want to erase it, to seem like it never happened.

I am looking for a catchy business name.. any suggestions?

I am making and selling hair clips (made with ribbon), crocheted headbands and crocheted hats (both with beautiful flowers attached) and am looking to come up with a very trendy yet memorable name. Anyone have any suggestions? My first name is Ashley so I thought about including it but not necessary. Please help :)

Im looking for a movie.?

i belive it is called the tracy thurman story i just dont know where to look anybody have a clue where i might find it

This lady is slandering my name and making it hard for me at work.?

I was helping her niece with her school work for the past four years, until her father died last years. After his death this lady started trippin on me. she had threatened to put ppo's on me and things of that sort, she lies to my pastor at church. I have been keeping my distance, I don't even attend my church because she goes there, I was introducted to the family thru her and her daughter who reached out to me four years ago as a big sister. But once her niece got attached to me and I started helping her,and showing her how to become a lady. that when things went south.She recently sent an email to one of the schools that I work at and told them she don't want me there and not to give me any info on her niece. Now it's affecting my job, I might loose my job and I really like what I do. What do I do?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Where is the memorial of a gun from the turret of a Polar Bears Humber Armoured Car in Holland?

In 1995 as part of the 50th Annerversary of VE day a group from 49th (West Riding) Polar Bears recce regiment were invited by a Dutch town where they were erecting a memorial to the men of the 49th who relieved their town. The Memorial is a gun from the turret of a Humber Armoured Car. A time capsule was placed in the barrel. My father (Captain James Erskin Knox) was one of those who went. I am trying to find the memorial. The only clues I have are "Den Brink" or "De Brink" and may be "Appledorne"

Has anyone seen these bracelets?

Ok i see these bracelets EVERYWHERE. They have two strings and the material looks like suede or some kind of soft material and it ties but in the middle is a peace sign. They come in all different colors but i have NO idea where they are from! Anyone have any idea?

I have a Barbie with a solid body and the trademark R in a circle. How can that be?

She has the face of a #4 with a solid body. She does not smell like crayon. She came wearing a black and white striped suit. She is a nice even beige color without any fading. She has the flocked scalp under her ponytail. She does not have any greasy face. Everything about her says #4 except that Mattel says that the trademark on her which is the R in the circle is a number 5 or later. A number 5 had a hollow body! Yikes! Does anybody know how this can be? Also, her foot is not marked Japan and her box just says imported by Mattel.

Are laptops a bad investment?

Desktops are less expensive to get more powerful components, so it will thus stay useful longer for the same price compared to laptops. If you're more concerned with longevity than portability or style, go for a desktop. No matter what, you'll eventually have to buy a new computer after this one, but if you with a desktop you'll wait a while longer before upgrading or replacing. Plus, with a desktop you can just upgrade instead of replacing the entire system.

Kinematics Probelm? Can any one help?

A cheetah is walking at a speed of 1.10 m/s when it observes a gazelle 41.0 m directly ahead. if the cheetah accelerates at 9.55 m/s^2, how long does it take for the cheetah to reach the gazelle if the gazelle doesn't move? Thanks for your answers!

How do i ask my boyfriend to a sport themed sadie hawkins?

My sadies hawkins dance is in two weeks and i want to ask my boyfriend in a cute way. The dance is sports theme. Please help with ideas and pictures.

Zebra Finch Housing Problems HELP!!?

Ok, so I have A breeding pair of Zebras, who recently hatched 3 babies, two males and a female. they have reached maturity, and I want to avoid inbreeding. I have one spare cage of reasonable size and am willing to buy more birds, to keep them in pairs. I have started a "Remove all fertile eggs from the nest" policy, and i can do that for the new birds as well. Reply Soon!!!! Thanks for your help!!

Indians: ume. If you got an option to select a leader for present time your want GANDHI or NETAJI or Patel?

Just imagine that god has given you an option. Who is suitable for the present day for India and Why?

Does anyone know where to buy the candy "Sparkies"?

I know they used to exist in the 1980's and they were a lot like Skittles but had flavors of different sodas.

Anyone want to travel with us?

Any college students who want to travel to Sri Lanka for a great experience after graduation? We're planning on going with 4 other people but we want more to make the experience better but most people don't want to make the trip. If anyone's interested let me know.

Survey: Has something that normally smells really good?

Actually when I was becoming ill with whatever I'm battling my life for, everything I loved to eat smelled nasty and tasted even nastier.

Anyone have any info regarding, solutions If you need a filling but are super sensitive to metals ?

I don't need to hear about how you swear toxic metals are safe and that the dentist is always using safe materials , so if anyone can answer the question,: Are there any alternatives to metals (i.e. amalgum, silver etc) these are alloys and compounds and some people are super sensitive ?

Where do mice usually target in a house?

Mice can come in any oening they can get their head thru.Once in, they run along the walls in a room for stealth searching for food. I recommend glue traps placed in closets, under appliances, and in corners, all glue traps baited with food bits. Also, stuff all the pipe runs (where pipes go thru a wall or enter the house) with steel wool. Mice will not chew thru steel wool, and if they ingest it , it kills them. Seal cereals, bread, fruit, any open food, in plastic containers or metal tins to keep mice out. Good luck

Is Sunny Acres Process Cheese Topping a vegetarian substitute?

I'm considering going Vegan for a month out of curiousity. I'm doing as much research as I can. I'm trying to eat more fruit (because I've never been big on fruit. Veggies I'm fine with, but fruits a biggie.) I'm not attempting this without research. However, I've seen Sunny Acres and tasted it, and I'm not sure if it's real cheese or a substitute. I understand it contains milk products. I can live with that :) Is it an alternative or what are some good alternatives? I know I need to keep my protien up, but I want something other than milk to do so. Any help?

Is Harold Ballard having nightmares in his grave?

Sure Ti Domi could be GM,Richard Simmons the coach,Puckdat could be bench warmer,then all things in Leafland would be better than they are

What can be done with a never-ending supply of wine corks?

A good question:(smile). Holiday ornaments, a wreath, strung together and wrapped a round your chritm tree. Make a crown a belt etc. Good Luck and Happy times...John

Where can I buy PH tester here in mandaue cebu city philippines?

You may want to try looking for it at Bizeen. It's a website with a list of products, companies and suppliers in the Philippines. Just type the product you need in their search box and do an advance search for your particular location. You can also make your own business website profile there if you want. a href="http://www.bizeen.com" rel="nofollow"http://www.bizeen.com/a

Anthropologie quilt for sale?

Does anyone have a twin sized anthropologie quilt that they would like to sell to me? I have been looking for a blue/green/yellow one, but they are out of them in twin. if you do please let me know. thank you!:]

How long after ingesting visine eye drops do you throw up?

i accidentally ate something that my religion prohibits(pork) so i took about 5 visine drops in order to vomit. How long will it take for me to vomit

Is this a good thesis statement on underage drinking?

Teens today think that they can get away with smoking,doing drugs, and drinking. Teens that drink while there are in school end up making D's and F's in most of their cles,Causing them to have bad jobs and bad homes for the rest of their life. If you dont wnat your life to be like that then dont drink. Drinking also puts stress on the teen and in some cases that can even lead to suicide. so make the right choice.

Does this girl like me???? I need advice!!?

There is this girl i like In my speech cl.. but I feel she doesn't like me back. She messed up on her speech early in the semester like 1 week ago . She basically broke down and was really nervous. And then later in the day I saw her in the hallway, I saw her smiling at me. i see her smiling once in a while at me. And then, next cl I try to sit near her, and then luckily she sits next to me, while her eyes are looking at the floor. I was surprised, when I saw her before she smiles but now doesn't even look at me, but I look at her. Don't I deserve a smile in return...? :(. And then when i try to talk to her in cl about the homework .. I feel the conversations I have die very quickly. In the hallway after cl, i talk to her about her beret, she just smiles responds and walks as if nothing happened. Later next cl, she came late and then my friend tells her what we're doing in cl. I try to add something and all she says if "shh im trying to listen to the teacher." And then in class when I participate or talk... or engage with other students, talk with friends, SHE DOES NOT NOTICE. I mean shouldn't a shy quiet girl who basically humiliated herself, try to redeem herself and talk as much as she can??? Its common sense man, its a speech class... you need to speak to feel comfortable, otherwise the class is a waste of time lol. AND id on't know , she laughs when other people talk, but when I talk make smart comments, i make jokes and I engage with other girls or guys. I mean I talk to people, I look happy smart, intelligent, attractive, I take care of my skin, face body... how come she doesn't notice??? Its like everything I do is invisible to her. She only really talks to this one guy, she is working with him on an interview for the class where you have to interview a student and make a speech about it. I wasn't her partner, because maybe IM not good enough for her. But she isn't dating him... they don't seem romantic just platonic friends. I can't even get on a platonic level with her, IM on a stranger level with her. What on earth am I doin wrong? Im so likeable and i look happy worthy of being a respectful individual in society, why does she hate me so much...?


it's supposed to be your hardest year, but it was one of my easiest because I only had 6 cles and 2 of them were art.

What is the best Video Card That My PC can Handle???? (AGP) i dont have a pcie slot so please help!!?

i have a p4m266a-8235 motherboard. 512mb ram dual slot filled. and a celeron 2.4 ghz processor. i just need an agp 4x(accelerated graphics port) video card. so please help.. not a pcie nor pci video cards. so please elp! can it also handle also will this video card work??? SAPPHIRE 100228L Radeon HD 3850 512MB 256-bit GDDR3 AGP 4X/8X HDCP Ready Video Card

Can someone recomend me good literature?

One of my favorite books is Brave New World. It was written in the 1930's about what the world is like after WW3 and a new type of society is formed to prevent all problems of wars, poverty, etc.. that society faced. The crazy thing is, a lot of the content in the book is very similar to things we see today. I highly recommend it.

I bought 3 pairs of clear lens gles online, which optician can i go to get them in my prescription?

my friend buys her frames then sends them away with her prescription for a big saving. in both uk and usa there are online services to make your gles when you have your prescription. that doesn't fit them to your face or adjust them. i can get that free at opticians here once the gles are made.

Which Elimanation Chamber was best at No Way Out 2009?

I would say the Smackdown Eliminatin Chamber with Triple H winning the WWE Championship. Edge should not have been allowed to enter the Raw Elimination Chamber Match. that spot should have gone to a Raw Wrestler, not a Smackdown Wrestler.

Perhaps several of you will have good ideas..?

Ok, so. My husband and I are agreeing to do each other's hobbies with each other. He's having me play Final Fantasy XI...I have to find one that he and I can do together and I'm completely stuck. I usually do the girliest of hobbies and I don't want to force him to do them with me. For example, I'm a scrapbooker, I crochet, and etc.. So what I'm looking for is something that he and I can learn to do together. Does anybody have any ideas? Any would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Limewire Help....?

I currently have Limewire and i really want to uninstall it. But i don't want to loose my music. How could i save them so that they wont get deleted when i uninstall limewire? Also, is there a free site that i could download free mp3 files from instead of limewire? Is there a program better and safer that i could use? i heard ares was good but im not sure. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

Huge Hispanic growth in Texas, are they causing the mive teacher, city and county layoffs?

maybe. Texas and Mississippi have the most minimum wage or less workers in the U.S. a href="http://www.brownsvilleherald.com/news/wage-124497-workers-leads.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.brownsvilleherald.com/news/wa…/a Houston,TX has the most teen moms under 15 in the U.S. a href="http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/6596047.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metr…/a

I feel so stupid for liking this boy, help?

On Sunday, I was in my garage doing science experiments until I saw my crush in this hummer car with BOOMING rap (I always thought he liked rock music). There's a top where you can stand up and he threw eggs at me (the garage door was open the whole time by the way) and my garage! He yelled, "That's what you get from stalking me, LOSER!" And all of his friends were laughing. All of the windows in the hummer were open and then he was kissing this.... I hate typing this, TRAMP. One of the eggs broke one of my test tubes too. And one hit my shirt... in the of course. I feel so stupid. I don't want to get up tomorrow and have to face HIM. Today I went to this museum with my mom so that made me distracted for awhile. What should I do? Should I confront him? Ignore him? Get revenge? I have crushed on this guy for 5 years and 45 days. It took forever to count but I wanted to remember how long i have liked him.

What does metabolic sand do to a savannah monitors? i hear they change the color of the sand when they eat it?

my friends uncle told me that he had a savannah monitor and he had red and black metabolic sand and when the monitor would eat, the sand would be ingested to and the monitor would turn the color of the sand eaten. in this case, red and black. i want to know were to find this sand for purchase and if it even does what they say it does.

Colombia vs. Venezuela an Ecuador? Anything significant for USA?

Can this brushfire become larger? A South American regional conflict? If so- what is at stake for the USA? What is of value to USA here? All this happens right after Castros resignation

I'm moving out next Sunday and I'm having a farewell party and your all invited, except all you moaners you ca

You can move in to my place cause I don't wanna miss you buddy. We can even have a welcome party for you here.

Help with gift ideas for him?

So my boyfriend says he doesn't want anything for christmas, but I know he wouldn't mind something. I'm not too sure what to get him though. He likes chocolate... alergic to nuts... he loves my dodge charger (ha ha) so he's a manly guy. And I have no clue what to get him.. I want it to be unique and special. But is not an option at my age and he understands that. (Im 16 he's 18) .. We're both in a training thing for police.. (If you can ociate any gift ideas with that) But the only idea is writing him a song ( I sing) and singing it to him.... and then at the mall they have these "dog tag" things that you can personalize to look really cool and i would put Te quiero mucho on it (thats our thing to say i love you in spanish..) ... corny?? lame?? any ideas??

If you ask an offensive question, should you expect an offensive answer?

Let's say I said " President Clinton was a worthless pig" and in return I was called "stupid", shouldn't I just suck it up or should I cry to the moderators because I was offended?

How do statistical ysis and statistical interpretation differ?

For ysis there are methods and formulaes where as interpretation depend upon men to men interpretations can never be same whereas ysis are requirfed to be same. There is one answer for every body and other answers will be wrong.

What's the drop in efficiency you accept when switching from propellers to jet drives?

You will probably loose about 15% power/output with the same engine. Read the specialists in links below.

Circular scarf pattern ideas?

it's like one big circle and you wrap it around your neck twice. i prefer to crochet it instead of knit. any help finding a pattern is majorly appreciated!

Reception decoration help!?

I think your idea is good enough. Too much stuff on the table will look too cluttered and messy. I'd stick with the tan napkins so they'll kind of match the champagne dresses. If they're nothing alike i'd go w/ a dark red or a color of one of the flowers.

Do you think widespread poverty is profitable?

I don't see where widespread poverty can be profitable . Unless your a conservative of evil like that of G.W.Bush , and company .

Is John Morrison turning heel?

I sure hope so. He is a bland, boring, run off the mill face. But as a heel he has charisma and personality. Frankly I think Morrison could be WHC or WWE champ as a heel. Also I agree with you that the indy fans should call Bryan Danielson Daniel Bryan. I mean you don't see anyone going around calling other wrestlers by their real names. When the last time you have heard anyone call Chris Jericho Chris Irvine?

Does the Spaceship image on Tamagotchi V5 mean they have died?

yup it means they r sick of how u treat them and they went back to tamaplanet, ps i hav 1 all versions so i know

What do i do about my fat girlfriend?

Okay, so I have a wonderful girlfriend of two years, and i'm in love with her. since we started dating, she's been steadily putting on weight. Now she weighs over two hundred pounds, a good fifty more than when we started dating. the strange thing is, i've found that i really like the extra weight on her. Her bigger body is amazingly attractive to me. But lately, she's been pretty serious with her workouts, and i'm worried she might start losing weight. I've never told her how i feel about her weight gain, should I? on the other hand, if she's committed to some healthy goals i don't want to discourage her. So should i tell her? or not?

Will I be able to view the following meteor showers in the northern hemisphere?

They are all visible from just about anyplace experiencing a clear night sky. All, however, last longer than the 2 days you list. Those dates are just the dates of the expected maximum.

Is there any where in the bible that show ity is okay?

I came out to my mom last saturday and she did not like it and started to condemn me and say its a sin and I am going to Hell. but I believe I was born this way. I tried to pray away the gay but its not possible. im beginning to think that God really created us in his image. If he hated Gays so much from what Im hearing from pastors, then why are there so many of us. is there anywhere in the bible that can help me proove to those bigots that its not a sin and we are not going to hell? PLEASE!!!!!!!!! I need to build my amunition

Do you like my new pome?

Awww TD how cute was your Felix poem, that had me chuckling and remembering the gifts my cat used to bring in! Yep little dead gifts at the door, sometimes a bird, a mouse one time, she just couldn't help herself!! Loved your poem!!! Cheers !!

If I like these bands, what bands do you think I would like?

Unlike most people in this world, you have an amazing ear for music. I listen to most of the bands you listed like Wolftron and The Maine but here are some I think you may like. MGMT, Girls, Glasvegas, Vampire Weekend, The Temper Trap, Empire of the Sun, NeverShoutNever,

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Who would you rather have?

Got to go with Steve Smith. He is the #1 WR for Delhomme. T.O. is not as good this year because Romo is injured and Romo's favorite target this year is Jason Witten. AP is a bit better than LT right now but got to have Steve Smith so I would choose Steve Smith and LT.

I had with my cousin 6 years ago but I can't forget it anymore?

Back in 2004 My cousin and her family came back from Mexico moved in with us. Back then I had started to developed a strong attraction to my female cousin. Me and her started little by little. Like I would first hug her and grab the location of her nipple then she started to play those barbie dolls and started to make them do ual positions. One day my cousin lifted my shirt and started to make farting noises on my stomach. Then it was my turn. I did the same thing she did to me. She while I was doing she all the sudden guided my arm into her private. She told me to put my mouth into her private because she wanted to find out what would it feel like. I put my mouth in her private and started to suck on it. This continued for weeks and we even french kissed until One day her mom caught us doing our and we both got in trouble. My mom was so angry at me and for my cousin she got whopped really bad by her mom. I don't know if my mom and her mom told our incident to the whole family. Now 6 years have past (I'm 14 and she's 13 now living in mexico again) and I can't look at her the same again. before she moved I looked at her as a sister not a toy. I went to a therapist because I was having problems alot in my life but that's another story. I told my therapist everything I typed here and she said It affected me alot because I couldn't let out by talking to someone by talking about it. what are some solutions for me? I can't see my cousin the same way anymore :(

PLEASE HELP! is this the right thing to do?

I think if he does ask you out but you're not sure, then just do it because you might end up really liking him. If it doesn't work out though, don't wait around too long to tell him that its not going to work out because then he might get really hurt later on.

Why Obama cannot win this election?

Its an undeniable fact that an afro american candidate, irrespective of his or her ability, simply cannot get more than a marginal amount of votes from caucasian voters. In local elections where districts consist of considerable afro american voters, not necessarily a majority, however, an afro american candidate can win. But in this election, the states with a very low amount of afro american voters will simply not go to Obama, together with the southern states with a higher percentage of afrom american voters. Obama cant carry any of those states. His only chance of winning a state are California, New York, New Jersey and Washington D.C. and possibly Illinois. That's the reality that nobody can ignore. This might look unfortunate, but nevertheless, it's a fact.

Do u think the people of Iraq should put Saddam back in power, he is the only one that can control the violenc

he may have killed alot of people but only the ones he felt threatened by or the ones that tried to kill him. Other than that whole invasion of kuwait thing. But if bush can get away with invasions i think we can let saddam get away with one. And remember he no more violent than other middle eastern leaders. He was just the most western so he had a lot of muslims that wanted him dead.

Is spirituality best learned through books and the intellect or through your skin, flesh, bones and marrow?

People have 3 parts: Body, Soul, and Spirit The soul consists of 3 parts: Mind, Will, and Emotions. The spirit is in a type of coma in most people. It can be made alive in Christ.

Malaysians: how do you negotiate for lower laptop/pc prices?

ask nicely if that is their final offer, or if there are some promotions etc... most shops will go down with the price if you ask... for almost anything, not only for computers! The other day I bought light bulbs - not even that many - at Parkson and out of pure habit I asked 'ada kurang kah' (like: can I have it ceaper?). The lady at the til took out her calculator, took off 10% and rang the reduced price up without saying a word. Meaning: if you don't ask, you pay the indicated price...

What are the differences between the different Christian denominations?

Go to the source and ask Him. You will find out that the fact is that 38,000 different Christian denominations is a joke and a trick of the devil to keep us confused. There is a God, and he has sheep in 38,000 different folds. There's God's wheat and tares in all of these folds that no man has any business trying to separate. The Shaking is going on right now as we speak and you need to get connected to God and not play around with what the devil is doing to keep us from making up our minds. The wheat is being separated from the tares and if you are not grounded in Jesus you will be left out of the Kingdom of God. Don't do it.

Was it possible for women to have so many rights 1,500 years ago as offered by Quran?

i think what people are really against is Taliban, which is a retrogress of technology, philosophy, and human rights. it is a shame that what was once the most advanced society in its time has to deal with a very potent branch that dismisses all that has been learned over hundreds of years.

My boyfriend is a chubby teaser.?

You should tell him your uncomfortable with it. Most guys do it just to joke around out of love, but one day be might say it in front of people and embarr you. He isnt aware that it gets to you, and one day it will hurt you, because my friends boyfriend did it to her, until I subtlety told him it bothers her, and he understood. Just tell him to ease it down a bit. Im sure if he truly likes you he'll understand.

General admission for a concert?

I just bought a general admission ticket for U2 in Seattle this june. I've seen them three times, but always seated. How early should I get in line if I want to get up to the front? I'm trying to make the most of the GA experience.

I need to know if anyone else is experiencing great anxiety or panic attacks lately?

I want to if anyone is having anxiety or panic attacks because around here everyone is I mean everyone I know is now having them that is so strange cause half of them never had any before. I started having them few months ago and I never had one in my life before now they come nonstop its likewise with everyone around here. It makes me think someone is going on or is going to happen. What ya think?

Need help with windows 2000?

my mother's computer has windows 2000. It says it was shut down improper. i did the scan on it. when it was finished it asked for a pword if you wanted to put one in. then i was to press ok but i had no mouse arrow to do that. what's wrong with the computer and how can i fix it.

Chocolate has it a carbon footprint?

thinking of the ingredients, and transportation, and resulting carbon footprint that a bar makes on its way to my gob, should we consider banning chocolate, and save the planet instead

What is the Atheist view on intelligence?

If you believe a bearded man in the clouds will make all your dreams come true, you might be an idiot.

DC: When James/Lily/Sirius/Dumbledore died, why couldn't Harry just talk to their portraits?

Seriously! Remember in Order of the Phoenix when Dumbledore used to talk to the portraits of previous headmasters of Hogwarts, like Phineas Nigellus and he kept ordering them around? So why couldn't Harry just grab a portrait of the dead and talk to them? I have been racking my brains for so long!

Should I trade B. Edwards for P. Rivers? I have only O'Sullivan and Bulger at QB now, so I'm hurting.?

If you've got Bulger and O'Sullivan, I'd make the trade. Edwards doesn't look good and neither does Anderson. Drop Bulger and pick up the best available free agent. This is going to be a long season in St Louis. I think Curtis is more than a couple of weeks away, but I don't think anyone really knows right now.

Does anyone know anything about a 2 year old not sleeping?

if he is crying hysterically when he wakes up he may be having night terrors and you should not allow him to just cry it out...my daughter used to have them and no they are not fun it would look like she was awake but she was in the "terror" and i would have to get her out calm her down and get her back to sleep. You may want to talk to his doctor. with my daughter it lasted almost a year...

Some Examples In The Odyssey?

what are 15 examples of imagery from both sections of the odyssey and the quotes that go along with them?

Does this guy like me? Please help?!?

hard to tell, he could just be being friendly or he could like you and is trying to see how you react to him and is scared to make the first move, just wait n see if he decides to make a move, if he doesnt but you want to then you should try making a move

Can someone help me find a picture?

Hi guys! I need a picture of the 13 colonies with the capitol. Could someone help we find one and post the link. Thanks!

Ding another love ques but i need help so plzz be nice an help me out you will feel like i do some day!!!!!!xx

well i met dis guy at school about5 months ago i didnt talk to him in da begginin hes one year older than me , some how i started likin him he is very cute how ever he started sain hi to me an i will say hi back but that was befor me even realise that i really like him any way with time he added me on msn an gave me his nomber an we talk now an then sometimes he starts the conversation sometimes i do i know he doesnt like me coz i asked him an he said he doesnt but the prob is he doesnt act likethat hes very flirty an that day he comlimnted me for like the first time an lately he started callin me babes an stuff bu the way now hes left school coz hes year 11 an they finished thier gcse plz tell me what should i do an dont tell me to forget him coz i avent eva felt like dat about a boy befor plz give me a good advice thanx :) xxx

What is the name for female gremlins (not the movie ones, the mythical one)?

I know that one name was Fifinella, but I think that refers more to the character created by Walt Disney that was adopted by Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) as their mascot; I've also think I've heard the term Dingbell used. Could someone tell me if the name for female gremlins (as a whole) is Fifinella, Dingbell, or something else?


There are also lots more regular people pregnant...............i dont think its a pregnancy conspiracy.

How come a great deal of research on the causes of and possible cure for cancer focus on mitosis?

check out this research group........a href="http://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/" rel="nofollow"http://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta//a

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What kind of pepper is this?

We've grown hundreds of Jolokia plants. The PLANT looks like a Jolokia, but the pepper looks like it's been mixed with a Jalapeno or any number of similarly shaped peppers. This crossbreeding is common, though obviously not desirable. I'll bet the peppers will still be very hot.

What is the effect of dissolving potium chlorate in a .100M solution of HClO3? Cont. in details?

What is the effect of dissolving potium chlorate in a .100M solution of HClO3? Would you expect the acidity to increase or decrease? Explain :D? This is one i had trouble on.

How did Al Pacino died in Tracy?

Big Boy tries to kill Tess, 's girlfriend, by crushing her into one of the gears in a tower until interferes. He tries to beat him but he gets punched in the jaw. Big Boy pulls out a gun and pushes him from the balcony, sending him falling to his death and being crushed by one of the gears.

Which is a better laptop for gaming?

I'm thinking the Battalion because of its Higher Bus Speed and slightly faster Processor. You didn't say anything about the batteries like how many cell they are I don't feel like looking them up. (the more cells the battery has the more battery life it has)

Do you know any songs that have a simile, metaphor or personification in them?

Please help me. I need to get my grade up in language arts so please help me get songs with figurative language. Thanks.

Must the U.S. manufacture new terror threats to control people pizzed about being fleeced by the system?

The news media is always there to sensationalized government diversions with planted stories about people with tear gas spray and machetes. Are you easily diverted from war and economic diaster by planted stories from the government -- bio-chem researcher commits suicide after years of government harment?

H22a4 vtec swap question?

ok im thinking of buying a 92-96 h23a long block and putting it in a 98-01 prelude sh.. can this be done?

PLEASE HELP!! My baby cries ALLL the time! Even in his sleep, what is going on???

May be he is not still feeling well feel restless all the time. you need to be patience. you GP can provide you best advice. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!

How do you know weather a statistical model with a regression line is linear or non linear?

If the regression line can be manipulated to arrive at y = a + bx it is linear in x. The regression FORM is linear even with curves such as nth degree polynomials, y = ab^x, and y = ae^bx. (In other words, you still use linear regression to arrive at your constants) I've heard of non-linear regressions, but shudder at the thought of deriving or trying to apply one.

What to do if neon spilled on my brother's arm?

It is not toxic or anything . One time I actually swallowed a tiny bit and I was worried but then i found out the only possible way it can maybe make you sick is if you drink the whole thing .I got some on me too and nothing happened so don't worry he will be fine . Don't panic because it wont harm him . After a few days it will go away. I hope I have helped .

Do you believe ity is a sin or do you belive in gay rights?

I am not worthy of judging people, so I would not name anyone a "sinner". However, I am conservative in the meaning "accustomed to certain standards". And for me a marriage shall always be between a man and a woman, not between a woman and a woman or between a man and a man. A man or a woman has a free choice: either to marry a person of an opposite or to live in an "informal union" with anyone. I think that is fair.

LGBT: Who would win??????????????????

lady gaga cuz shes a bad ***. Miley cuz shes a country girl. superman cuz he has seniority. the queen.... because shes bigger.... lol ellen because shes got the moves

What to look for in an lcd tv(10 points)?

Im wanting to buy a new tv for, most likely an lcd tv, what are some of the things i should be wary of when making my purchase?

I Want A Tattoo, Im 16 and i need helpppppp?!?!?

Oh god there are so many things wrong with this i dont know where to start. I'll just go the easy way and say dont. If you need to know why watch this a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2pSt2gACrc" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2pSt2gAC…/a

Should I drop...for Kenny Watson?

I have Deuce Mcallister and Felix Jones sitting on the bench in my lg. Should I drop one of them and pick up Kenny Watson?

Does anyone know that show "shadow soldiers" on the natgeo channel?

When is it airing, and where can I watch /download full episodes on the Internet. I saw they had an episode about Sri Lanka that I really want to see.

Why are atheists and scientists unable and?

unwilling to disprove the existence of God irregardless of thd burden of proff they insist on using as a defense, we on the other hand have what you creationism and lots of other ammunitiom

Afghanistan the land of warriors?

According to National geographic doentary ppl of Afghanistan had successfully defended their country when they were invaded by Alexander the great.Russian got their *** kicked in Afghanistan.so do you think NATO can wipe out taliban and alquida terrorist from that country?btw i am not the supporter of terrorism.

Serious question about Chris Benoit?

I know that there is a lot of stigma around Chris Benoit due to the actions surrounding his death, but do you think that Chris Benoit will ever be accepted as one of the greatest technical wrestlers in history? I believe that to this day, there aren't/weren't many better technical wrestlers than Benoit and I know that a lot of fans share the same vierw, however, will the likes of the WWE ever re-acknowledge him as one of the best?

Why are Iowa/Nebraska's (or Maine/Nebraska's, I forgot) electoral votes so important in presidential election?

Because they can be split. Nebraska has five, but one candidate can get four and the other can get one. This is really important if there were a tie... both candidates can get 269, but you need 270 to win.

Doesnt the McCain campaign stand to gain more by the Trig "controversy" than the "left"?

They already have. By getting the people to focus on her soap opera of a life, no one is paying attention to the disastrous economy(another bail out today) or the war in Iraq. In my opinion Republicans are eating the attention up, and are probably sitting back laughing at us.

Is sleep the answer to getting over a petty case of unhappiness?

It's fairly common. Emotions of varying sorts release neurochemicals and sleep gives the body time to "empty" itself of them. Also sleeping is essentially (Usually anyway) a time of not thinking about it, helping you forget.

Did Gwen have an implant or has her chest size expanded due to child birth?

I've always thought Gwen was gorgeous and loved that she never inflated her chest like the rest of Hollywood...so what's up with it now?

Is it true that Adolf Hitler was a Jew himself?

Our Literature cl was discussing facts about Hitler and Nazi Germany today and came across the topic of Hitler being a Jew. Is it really true that he was? That would be awfully hypocritical if you ask me.

England question: Can there be a king and queen at the same time?

It seems like there never is. If there can be, why isn't Prince Philip the king? I'm American, so I know very little about the rules of the British monarchy, but I'm making the umption that a person who marries into the royal family can't be King or Queen. Is this right?

Where in the world would anybody get the idea that PAUL is a liberal, and that Giuliani is a conservative?????

From the media. Sheeple are, as a rule, lazy and simple believe what the media says. If they do a little research they would realize that what Ron Paul really stands for is freedom.

What is the title of the movie about a family that has Ludwig van Beethoven rent a room in their house?

The son of the family follows and bothers "Mr. Beethoven" during his daily round about town, and also his encounters with "the gypsies."

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

US History Question - 10pts for the most asnwered?

Asking one or two homework questions is fine...but a whole ignment? Come on, don't be so lazy. Do you're own work...or at least try.

What if you start Provera to induce period and later find out that you were pregnent?

Has this happened to anyone? Actually, I have my GUN apptment tomorrow on CD 32 after taking 50 MG clomid and no ovulation. Tomorrow I will be starting my provera. We last BD on last sunday 21st March, My temps have been slightly up since then but ovulation is not yet detected by FF. So if I start Provera tomorrow and then find out that I am preg (which is very unlikely, but still). Will there be any -ve effects on the baby? Pls let me know.

Boxing or Kickboxing?

Im a boxing fan so i say boxing. But i agree with above, check it out first. ESPECIALLY the coaching. I think that coaching has a lot to do with becoming a good and smart fighter. Good luck and i know its not much but for starters thats my advice.

Wear can I find reasonable priced jeans (beside alloy.com) that have a 37" inseam?

I am a 19 year old female and I am 6ft tall. I love to wear things like Rocawear and Baby Phat but I can never find jeans that are long enough for me.

Im confused, I thought I had my BFP...?

Ok, so. I took a HPT today and I saw the plus sign (looked like this +|), though it was very light. It started fading and now I only see the vertical line (now it looks like this | |) that was left over from the plus sign. I thought it was a BFN but when I looked on the box it said that a negative result would be a minus sign(supposed to look like this - |)... so I'm confused, what happened to the other half of the plus sign? Am I pregnant or not?

Anyone have any poems?

i need personal handwritin poems by you about either nature a sonnet imagery personification simile or sound poem please please help my project is due friday and i promise to write a bibliography and site where i got the poems

Help: I can run a mile now but after that I can't go any further. How do I steadily progress?

I'm doing pretty damn good. A month ago I couldn't even run a minute and now I'm up to running a whole mile(barely right now, I just reached the mile yesterday.) but after that I can't do anymore. So how do I add onto it next to keep a strong progression without overdoing it. I was hoping to get up to 2 miles by the end of April and then start working on speed.

What is the pressure in atmosphere in the cabin if the barometer reading is 688mm Hg?

The pressure outside a jet plane flying at high altitude falls considerably below standard atmospheric pressure.Therefore, The air inside the cabin must be pressurized to protect the pengers. What is the pressure in atmosphere in the cabin if the barometer reading is 688 mm Hg?

Will I go to jail for this?

No jail. Although, 30 over the speed limit is a felony I believe, not sure about the UK though. You will most likely go to court and pay fines, and possibly have points added to your license.. No jail.

Got an official letter with my name saying I received a traffic violation?

I would suggest calling the police agency that mailed it to you or contact the court if it is a summons. Yes sometimes if the name is entered incorrectly an individual can get a summons. If the agency or court advises you to come in on the date that you are to appear, bring the paper work that you have received and explain to the magistrate the situation if it was human error. If you don't get it resolved, I would suggest seeking some legal istance. Hope this helps..

Fluval U Series filters can they be submerged.?

I have a Fluval U2 filter and I was wondering can I submerge that filter under water or does it have to have a air supply.

What happens when an asteroid hits a gas planet?

what happens? does it have to do with the chemicals on the planet or does it just got out the other end?

Does he like me????????????????

Go ahead and let him tell the guy. Who cares. It seems to me he likes you and if someone told YOU that some guy liked you.... would you honestly care and be completely freaked out??.... most likely not. So go ahead, see what happens. Just don't start acting weird around him just because you know he knows you like him... then it gets annoying.

Printable coupon-sites?

I don't use them, they all put spy-ware on my computer and they make you jump through a million hoops to save 10 cents.

Where is the hole in the ozone located?

There is a hole in the ozone located over the North Pole, currently (2010mar31). The hole at the south pole is not due to form up again until it is late winter / early spring at the south pole. The hole over the south pole is naturally much larger than the hole over the north pole.

Which of these products should I use as a heat protectant on my hair?

I've tried pretty much every heat protectant, and my favourite so far has been by Tresemme, so i'd say go for it :) And also I use it when I just get out of the shower and my hair's wet.

Are the NFL Ascent Fleece Jackets any good?

They're not bad. I bought a Steelers one for my dad. He seems to like it but idk if they are worth the price

Do you know any "Tough Bikers"?

I know almost all of the Virginia Beach chapter of the Renegades, I used to be a bartender at the bar they hung out in.

What do you think is be cutest or hottest mix of ethnic race?

I like the mix of european and Maghreb(just like me, Czech and Algerian) and also italian with Irish, but what do you think is the best mix of people?

Do Republicans Believe That Rudy Guiliani is a Viable Presidential Candidate?

Actually, Giuliani is there best chance to win in 2008. The only problem is that his pro-abortion, pro-gay rights and pro gun control positions will kill his chances at getting the Republic nomination.

I am a teen and i wish i ws close to my parents! i need help.?

same here girl my rents are always busy but the way i deal with things is i write it down or talk about it you can email me if you want im (13 2 (e-mail babyt2917@yahoo.com)

What is the song Rita is playing throughout the first episode in Season 3 of Dexter?

Before Rita figures out she is pregnant in Season 3 she keeps playing the same song over and over. The only line I could catch was "No one sings lullabies no more" but I wasn't able to find anything through Google. Does anyone know the song and artist? I love it and want to find it.

What's the difference between having a fan p and not having a fan p to the today show?

I got normal fan p for the today show, not a v.i.p. p. what's the difference? & is it worth it going to see the show? i live in nyc anyway, but i'd have to go to school late that day. btw, bruno mars is performing.

I need feeding suggestions?

You are doing a great job! I think spoon feeding a child until they are 6 or 7 is silly. The child knows when they are full better then a parent does. Forcing a child to eat when they aren't hungry anymore can cause obesity later in life because they learn to ignore their bodies natural signals of fullness. Stick with the not willing to substitute, it will be a great thing when she gets older. Kids won't let themselves starve and she'll eventually give in and eat it and might find she likes it. Offering variety is a great idea too. The only method I found to make my kids open up and take bites when I offered it and they were being stubborn, was to make funny noises and when they'd open their mouth to laugh, I'd put the spoonful in really quick. Most of the time it didn't get spit back out.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Does anyone know where I can get FREE PRINTABLE VIOLIN sheet music?

The Werner Icking Archive. Funny name but they have google-ized their collection so that you can look up clical mcripts by instrument and pull them up as PDF files you can print out.

How do I calculate the average atomic m when given % of isotopes and m amu? Question details inside.?

Element consists of 62.60% of an isotope with m 186.956 amu and 37.40% of an isotope with m 184.953 amu. How is the average atomic m calculated? What are the steps involved? I ume my results should be in amu and that I can be able to identify the element after worked out.

How can I become an M.O.T. tester at a garage...and how can I train to be one?

In the early days of the M O T the garage owner or authorised examiner put your name down when he was confident in your ability.The test was very basic brakes,lights,steering,tyres,over the years the test became more and more stringent and testers had to attend a theory test at the HGVtesting station and then a practical test at your place of work,if you already work in a testing station they would train you there

Both theism AND atheism are faith-based?

Yes everything is faith based and free will. You can have faith in science as well.Science is constantly updating itself but The Bible remains true eternally. God Bless!!

What WR should I start for week 5?

Greg Jennings all day. I know he is only averaging 11 pts/week but he is due for a big game and Rodgers is his QB. Also, the GB offense is p heavy.

Which City has the biggest Diversity of all around races?

Good question, but not sure which one because each city is unique in it's own way. New York City (The Big Apple) has many diverse populations and shops as well as good schools with a diverse selection. Los Angeles (The City of Angels) has diverse culture as far as food and music and all the big shots are in Hollywood ranging from Usher to Carrie Underwood and Aerosmith to Boyz II Men. Chicago (The Windy City) has diversity in it's urban and suburban neighborhoods ranging from the ghetto to eazy street. and don't forget the eateries. So to answer the question each city has it's own unique diversity and each one should be looked at accordingly so I say that there all diverse in there own way.

What is your favorite American accent? Does your child have your accent?

Of all the places and people I have met, I think the New York accent is my favorite. I had a friend in college from Flushing, and it was so funny to hear her get on a roll. Do your children have an accent? Me and hubs have an awful Texan twang and my son is starting to sound the same way... poor kid.

Can I avoid the Israel-Syria visa problem by using different pports?

I was planning on using one pport for Israel and Jordan, then my second pport (dual citizen) for Syria which would have no Jordanian or Israeli stamps. But if I can�t get a Syrian visa at the Syrian border then I�d have to apply in Jordan, in which case the Syrian emby at Amman might wonder why my second pport doesn�t even have a Jordanian visa in it and then might refuse to grant any visa at all?

1971 amc 401?

This winter i'm going to start building my 401. I'm only 18 and don't know much about motors. If any body knows of any good performance parts to use please help me. I don't want to do a cheap re build kit but i don't want to use indy parts they are way to much $$$. Any help will be awsome.

Vick get only 23 months?

My question/answer, an d so where are the other people who dog fight? You can best believe Vick isn't the only one. But, have started looking for them, NO? It's alright for the rapist murderer to go free, but the hang the guy who dog fights. Something that has happened in the US since the 1600's. You're right it is a joke, that some many people got up in arms, ready to fight. But how many of those same people look at their own neighbors to see how they treat their animals? It's a race thing!!!

Which comes first? registering a name, or designing a logo??

for a start-up business, should I secure a name then design a logo, or design the logo and trademark them together?

What hair dye to achieve this colour?


I just learned to ollie like a week ago but im good at it now. should i learn the kickflip or heelflip first?

I dont think it really mattersBut kickflips are easier.Try to learn other tricks first to improve board contol like pop shovits,180s. And then work on the kickflip and then heel flips.

Who will win?

Big Show will take out Kane, Undertaker will 100% win, Triple H will win, and what the heck is all that other crap? Sorry, but I didn't understand the 2nd half. If Batista fights Undertaker, I'm clueless, but if I had to guess it would be U. Taker.

Was this a good trade?:?

i traded t.o, trent edwards(my qb is brees) and nick folk(i have crsoby). for fred jackson, my only good rb was barber but it looks like he will be hurt, so im putting in felix jones and i have plenty of good recivers, t.o was not putting up number compard to my other recivers. im 2-0 right now and fred jackson highly increase my chances of winning the next 2 games. do you think he will put up points once he is second string?

When do you take your baby to the Dr. with a wet cough?

Take him to the Dr. immediately (CALL 911) he could be and will eventually dehydrate .... give him plenty of fluids (juices) to help replenish his bodily fluids.

Does high school hazing still go on?

Yes, it's still going on and always will. That's how children learn to defend themselves from early in life, stand up for themselves and grow up to be productive men and women.

What does it mean when a guy looks at you and and goes i wanna hit that!?

or when he says you wanna hit this and i'm all confused and like uh hu whatever. but i really don't get it can i get some major help please FYI these type of guys are the Jocks.

First time relationship help?

im more practical... he shows me how much i mean to him like all the time but im more secretive in the sense that i wont say how i feel n stuff all the time but it doesnt mean that i dont feel that way. uhm we've bn arguing alot lately about it... he wants me to show him and say how i feel and in his words, "act like his girlfriend and not a stranger". how do i make it up to him and start to be like that. it's difficult for me cuz i tend to feel vunerable bcuz of my past but im willing to try i jus dont kno how...

Hobbes and Lands?

Where is it located? It was featured on Boy and Kris months ago.. but my mom didn't get the location.

Write a 4 sentence paragraph in Spanish describing what you used to like to do. Be sure to use the imperfect?

"What did you used to like when you were young? Write a 4 sentence paragraph in Spanish describing what you used to like to do. Be sure to use the imperfect tense. SAMPLE ANSWER: Cuando era ni�a, yo jugaba con las juguetes."

Magnetism is a mystery or what?

I tied a nail with some yarn and then used a magnet to suspend it in the air. the f*ck**g thing is just hanging there. Hovering one inch below the magnet, tugging my fingers in desperation to attach itself to the magnet. how does that happen?

Are the internet and mobile phones destroying language?

Apparently we were separated at birth. It makes me foam at the mouth. If they think their employers, or college professors, are going to accept that garbage they're in for a rude awakening!

"How" do I exercise a Call option?

Say, now it's May and XYZ company's share price is $50, and I bought its Oct $52 (striking price) Call option at $2.5 (premium). Two months later, if the share price goes up to $57 and I decide to exercise it, I suppose (from many investment books and online knowledge) I will have $2.5 profit per share (i.e., $57 - ($52 strike + $2.5 premium) ). However, I've seen demos on several brokerages' websites (as you can tell I'm new to this) and I'm really confused... By the time I try to exercise a Call option (not as I bought), after choosing 'sell to close' as an action, I will be also asked to enter a 'premium' again; what if the premium has also gone up (say $5 for XYZ companys Oct $52), what premium should I enter (again, upong exercising, not buying)? What's the significance of that premium (that is, what role does it play when I exercise my option)? Because of it, will I profit more? or will I lose part of my profit? Can anybody answer my question? Many thanks!

Question on 1099-MISC?

I am filling out 1099's and this is my first year. We paid an architect listed as a corporation on his W-9. Do I still 1099 him? How about an LLC? Also, on the 1099, I am using box 7 (nonemployee compensation) to record their income. Is that correct?

How to find time with God in a day? How would you do it?

use your free time to pray and read and spend time with the Lord by yourself in the room. also pray at school.

Do the quiet & reserve guys stand out to a girl?

l Not into them man sorry. I used to be really quite and it never worked out for me. You have to get noticed and stand out, become friends with the girls.


Is there a website, a sophisticated website, where there are s who are looking for a real relationship? I have tried to find sites before, but have only found scantily clad women who seem promiscuous or couples who are looking to add another. I just want to find a place where young attractive and sincere women are looking for someone to get to know.

I repeatedly told my friend to leave her emotionally draining relationship, but she won't!! What can I do?

Wisdom and knowledge comes from making bad mistakes. Life throws them at us and we have to learn them on our own. We never learn from other people's mistakes or them telling us what we should do (unfortunately). You're a good friend to try and help her but all you can do is keep encouraging her to do the right thing and be there for her. She will have to get tired of it herself and make the decision to end it.

Iodine question?`````````````````````…

A simple experiment can prove this. Simply place a few crystals of solid iodine into a test tube and warm it gently. You will notice that even though the iodine does not melt that a reddish violet heavy vapor forms. This proves that the iodine sublimes (goes from solid to vapor without forming a liquid).

Yahoo answers?

mmmm... OK ...... sarcasm is the lowest form of wit so they say but I like it .....cool ...oooooh no not another violation ...geeeeeese ...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

How do I convert 86' atc honda to 4-wheeler??

I have seen it done before but cant find the appropriate parts to convert my 3 wheeler, heard a company by the name of ASTRO which manufacturers a conversion kit any info??

I got told I was boring by different people!?

I'm male/17/HS Sr. A big fear of mine has always been the thought of being considered boring. Well for the past couple of months my first boyfriend and I were having problems. He treated my badly and ended up leaving me for another person. I used to be really outgoing and fun, but my boyfriend would get mad because he was always the party pooper. So he would make comments to me when I was having fun, and after that, I began to get self conscious and toned myself down for him. After a while, he began saying I was now boring! Now it's all over, and I can't seem to get back into my old self. Now he's the one having fun and living life. All but one of my friends ditched me when I was going through a rough time after the breakup. I was no longer their entertainment, so they moved on. I had my one friend who stuck by me, tell me that I was boring. (It was a great reality check!) Yet, I live in a small town where you can't really go out and just have fun. You can't really make new friends here, and the friends I have are weary of me because I have my depressed moments when I'm just quiet. (It's not like I'm bawling in front of them) I try to have fun, but my friends just say I'm bipolar when I get happy, so that brings my mood and confidence down. Is there anything I can do to fix this? To get back to my old self and win my old friends back (or are they not worth it?) I feel like I need a clean break, and I have the ability to move to a city, but I would not graduate with my cl :| . Thanks in advance, and sorry for the long story! (You'll get over it ;P)

Studying the situation and try to yze the following statement ?

As everything is moving at the same speed relative to the road, - car, air, pengers, etc, - the insects can move within the intenrla atmospheres as normal. The problem comes if everything suddenly stops, then the insects, like any unbelted pengers, don't - with messy results.

Where would you rank Brett Favre in terms of all time great QBs?

For someone who has played for 19 years plus he should own the majority of the records a quarterback should hold and he does, but one thing i look for is how they lead their team and falls short of legends who played shorter careers but have more titles. he hasn't even made it to the title game outside of 96 and 97 in which he lost to a real legend one year and played another opponent that really wasn't all that great. he ranks behind brady, big ben and those are quarterbacks of recent lore and falls behind manning as soon as manning hangs the cleats will have farves records already. i put him in the top ten but i think he barely makes it.

Can anyone tell me a division of the US army that landed on Omaha beach and liberated a concentration camp?

Can anyone tell me of any type of US army division that either landed on Omaha beach by airborne or seaborne on D-day and later liberated a concentration camp?

Canadian students?

Have you ever took a program with CDI College or Trios College? Which one is accredited? How can i find out?

Help! My period is delayed!?

Totally possible. Stress can delay a period and if the stress gets out of control is can make you bleed. I had a situation that I ended my period for the month and about 1 week later the stress in my life went through the roof and I started to full out period bleed again. I freaked out and my teacher just laughed at me. I was student teaching at that time.

What Are The Best Clic Old Piano Songs?

I know like give me some artist like beethoven mozart and people from 18's 19's or w.e i know songs moonlight sontona and fur elise and turkish march and some others i need some popular ones THANKS

DIY live rock HELP ME!?

ok so i'm doing the diy aragrocrete rock thing with the coral sand and portland cement and oyster shells. is there any way i can significantly cut down the curing time? (to stop it from leaching lime) how long would it take if i soaked it in pure vinegar?

Primary literature for Ethanol vs Gasoline?

I'm writing a paper and part of it I discuss the efficiency of ethanol vs the efficiency of gasoline. I know a number of people have said that the gasoline gives better fuel economy, but I need a primary literature article to cite.

A name for a twin girl?

her sister will be Mandy(not Amanda, just Mandy). Whats a name that goes good with Mandy(that will sound good with it).

My rabbit eats and drinks excessively,why is this?

there is a possibility that she is pregnant again and is eating to to keep up the nutrients she need to have them.but it could also be from the trauma she suffered.i would have a vet look at her for a more accurate explanation

Recording/amplifiying with my clical guitar?

someone answer a href="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiXQQqrPIIwrU1yJN.9EuDXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100218151704AAWVtbK"http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;…/a

I have just started exercising at the gym. What is the best diet to follow to get best results?

I am 63 kgs. and need to lose almost 5 to 10 kgs. I am not fond of junk food or aerated drinks. Neither do I take sugar.

Why is having more likly to transfur viruses and bacteria than any other contact, such as shaking hands?

Why is having out genitalitals touching make us more likly to get aids or other deseases then shaking hands or other forms of bodily contact?

Why do so many "good Christians" think divorce is okay?

Randy and Paula White, yet another example of people claiming faith but not living in a way that demontrates it

Is my dog going to die?

twenty minutes ago, i garnished a turkey sandwich with 25 mg of 2c-i and left it on the table when i went to get some soda. i came back only to see willis, my 100 lb golden retriever, eating my psychedellic sandwich. i put him in his kennel in case he gets violent, but i am very concerned for his life. what should i do? is he in pain? will he die?

Times Cryptic Crossword 24065?

An un-neutered female Manx cat is a "queen", so that would explain the answer above. Strangely the un-neutered male is called a "dog" !!

Who gets the job first in Air Force DEP ?score or time? PLZ HELP?

suppose i picked a job and someone in DEP has the same job now the difference is i have been in DEP longer than he has, but he has a higher score than me than who gets the job first?

Need some goood guy advicee pleasee!!! helppp!!!!!?

i agree with under c. you can like anyone you want. just talk to the guy, it will only get better that way.

Why did Al Davis get rid of Jon Gruden after the 2001 season? why did he replace him with Bill Callahan?

Because the Oakland Raiders have not been nearly as successful since Jon Gruden left after the 2001 season, eventhough they made it to the Super Bowl in the 2002 season under new Head Coach Bill Callahan, they got killed in Super Bowl XXXVIII, since then, the Raiders have not been to the Playoffs, or Post-Season, etc. When the Raiders had Jon Gruden, they won 2 straight AFC West Division Titles in 2000 and 2001, now look at the Raiders?

In er spaniels, solid coat color is dominant over spotted coat. a vet has a spaniel with solid coat.?

how can she unequivocally determine the genotype of this animal for coat color from a single breeding??

Getting this girl?!?!?!?!?

Ok I love girls and I love to flirt.....so dis should work.....wait ONE day to call her caz she'll be thinkin bout you the whole day you ain't callin her and you suprise her da NEXT day dat way she wont forget you and she's happy whatever......and don't ask her out da first time you talk to her on da phone but if she asks you out do it....but da next time ask her ( I usually take em to da movies). Good luck

My boyfriend is shy around me? ?

I've been dating my boyfriend for just over a month, but Ive known him since elementry school. When we hang out, we can never find anything to talk about, and he seems nerves around me when he never used to be. He hasnt kissed me yet, and we hardly touch at all. I'm also nothing like the girls he hangs out with (they're plastic and pretty and I'm not). I've liked him for a while, but haven't told anybody. I honestly have no clue why he asked me out. Hes my first boyfriend (but I don't think he knows he is), so I have no experience.

How can I volunteer to work at Leeds Festival?

I want to work at Leeds Festival or at least volunteer, how would I go about applying to work at Leeds Festival?

Binary search tree....?

Can anyone tell me where I can find an algorithm in pseudocode for finding the largest key in a binary search tree. If you can show me your own pseudocode, that would be cool too. Thanks for any help.

What to do to regain my lost love feelings and emotions?

I and my gf both are muslims and from Bangladesh.We were together for 1 year and I left her for no good reason at all. Then she found some other guy and told me about her new bf after dating for 1.5 years. I felt guilty, realized her value and wanted to be together once again. She was not happy with the other guy so she came back. But after couple of months she told me she had physical relation with the other guy but did not have . Now I'm feeling cheated cause she didn't tell me about this before. Now I can't trust her any more and beginning to imagine all sorts of nasty stuff about her and blaming her all the time. I'm going nuts because she was the kind who was crazy for me and told me she would not be with another guy ever but me. As Islam forbids a women to share her body with more than 1 guy I just can't stand her behavior. But I do love her very much and we want to get married. What can and should I do???? Will I ever be able to forget what happened. By the way 2 years more have past since she left the other guy but I remember everything she said and make her keep remembering. Plz help.

The india vs Sri Lanka series has turned out to be a battle of the batting powerhouses?

India and Sri Lanka have scored 1400 runs in 2 odi's and that has to be a record for just 2 games 414,411,301 and 302 that is just a humongous amount of runs to be scored just 2 games into a series a record in any way?

Does anyone think that Laurell K Hamilton and Jim Butcher are the same person?

I always thought that Wayne Newton and Brenda Lee were secretly the same person. Listen to "Rockin' around the Christmas Tree" this year, and tell me that isn't Wayne Newton singing...

Abstract Algebra?

How do I show that in Sn, with n>= 3, any even permutation is a product of cycles of length three

Can sks's come in .308, I am looking at my local shops website and it say's they come in .308?

nope, their only chambered in 7.62x39mm, the .308 is similar to the 7.62x51mm NATO, big difference, this is likely either a mistake or a bad lie, either ways, you can find better deals then this.

Can I download episodes from TV shows without downloading Torrent?

Hey. I've been wanting to watch Veronica Mars for like ever, and I would like to download the episodes. Can I download them without having to download torrent? pls answer.xx

What are the chances?

if u havent heard...which u should have...4 decomposed bodies wer found in NY this weekend...with JUST the skeletal remains and 1 random burlap sack what are the chances theyll catch this killer?

When did Ronald Reagan make his "Shining City on a Hill" speech?

He references is it in his farewell to the nation but I don't know which speech he first made the reference.

Can 2 married attractive opposite co-workers maintain platonic status even after some kissing has started?

My wife has a "just friends" relationship with this pretty good looking guy who is 7 years younger than her and 14 younger than me. He was training her on new systems at a large tech company and she came home talking about this really talented guy that's working with her. As she got to know him she admired his even temper demeanor and smooth laid back country style. ( at least she was honest enough to fill me in daily about her new friend).Every day it was "I love the way he treats his wife like a queen" or he has 2 little girls and he seems to be a good father.On her birthday he and some friends played her a song (he plays mandolin) and they had a little party. I was not invited of course as her work location with a large telecommunications business is 50 miles away. Over the months they would go to lunch in his big crew cab pick-up and I later would learn engage in these hot make out sessions. She claims that's as far as it went at this point but I also realized after more checking and talking to her previous male friend they had been going out in his truck for several months before the time she indicated it began. Already the dis torsion of facts and deceit begins. But I was cool with it cause she openly informed me of her time spent with him and ured me "just friends". This deal had been going on for 10 months or so and I found a greeting card site in our computer. After finding out the pword and looking at the 5 or 6 cards she had written I was smashed and shocked, the stuff she was saying to him was all about missing you when I'm away even a day and I wish we had met when we were little and just want to squeeze you and I love you and heres your mage token so I can help relieve you of work stress ....this was a girl smitten and ready totally consumed with this redneck Teletech. I know wife of 21years at the time and shes infatuated with her new 'BOY". She called him her sweetest thing which was at the time a movie expression for a guy with a nice package down below. Now I'm not so impressed with her lack of truth as a matter of fact I think she has maybe already fooled around. A few days later I also found a BD card she bought for him and it was one of those I'm so in love with you cards and a hat. When I confronted her with the boyfriend at work stuff she laughed and said he's just my boy and this is just puppy love. I have not had with him and we just kissed a few times in his truck at lunch.I was not really convinced and stashed the copies of the cards for later. I went to her office and talked to him in person and pretty much told him you know if I told your wife would she believe this was just kissing. He promised me he would cool down this thing and not go off alone with her anymore. I think his intentions were to stop but my wife was bitter and pissed and acted like I was invading her world.She wants to be "just friends" with him. Should I trust them?As more time went by she began to change some and was more critical of my ways I had had for years that used to be funny to her were now disgusting. Our life went from hot to cold and all info of him ceased. She had a guarded stance on any attempts I made to ask about work.Get this now this is where i regret my choices and am almost embarred; I reluctantly agreed to let them stay friends at work and it has been like that for over 7 years. I can't prove any specific took place but I know I would have a hard time making out with her and it not become pion and then . She has a nice blond and blue eyed look with a killer body and this walk that grabs your attention. I'll be honest with you I go through spells where I pick up vibes and tell tale signs of hanky panky going on. do you think given these details that it is just platonic friends or should I be worried?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Please, I need help immediately. I have put my beef stew in the slow cooker about 3 hours ago and............

I used one of those plastic liner bags (@ $1.23 each by the way), and I just checked on it, and looking down through the gl I can see a lot of bubbles growing up. Is this normal? BTW do you think the oil based plastic liner bags are a good idea?

How do I balance on a skateboard when i land an ollie?

I am trying to do an ollie and i've done it occasionally but when I land the ollie my body weight is on either side of the board so it's like in seesaw. And sometimes i don't even keep my balance and fall down. Please Help me!

I'm DISGUSTED of , what should i do?

Well if you feel really negatively about it then stay away from it and don't do it. If somebody doesn't respect your feelings and decisions and forces you or tries to talk you into it then kick them out of your life. To me I think it's disgusting too. There's urine, semen and sweat down there and who knows if the person washes on a regular basis? People will say anything to get people to try and do oral so don't listen to those selfish twats and do what you feel is best for you.

My question is about the onam celebration in kerala India?

We can celebrate onam its the festival of prosperity. Corruption is everywhere you cant change it but one thing you should understand that people now have learned to lead their life according to situation so be happy and celebrate ONAM. I miss onam as I'm in abroad if you are in India leave all negative things and think positively enjoy with the great time with your family and friends. GOOD LUCK!

I have a new rat it's about 7-8 week's old.?

so i have a new rat and wen i hold him it fells like he has the hiccup's but i don't think it is the hiccup's does anyone have any answers?

I've got the second overall pick in my fantasy league this year.?

The person who owns the first overall has said he is gonna pick Adrian Peterson. I'm debating between Matt Forte RB Chicago, or Michael Turner RB Atlanta Falcons. Whats your opinion and why. Thanks in advance for your help.

Can someone explain what this message box on my computer is all about?

looks like a virus has attached itself to your logitech drivers. just use AVG the free version and have it scan your computer.

Why does my car stall?

ok I have a 2004 Eclipse gt and this problem happens VERY seldom, when I get it up at high RPM's while flooring it, it sputters and and slows down like it hit the brakes for a second and the car wont go any faster.. so I would highly appreciate it if someone could help me out and tell me what going on here.

Why the persistent demonization of commies?

I'm not sure most people who use it know exactly why other than it sounds good. Here's a little more history for you. Vietnam was fought to stop the spread of communism, that's the official version. Ten years later we had won nothing and had almost sixty thousand dead Americans. We never stopped communism. We do a thriving business with communist China, thriving for them, damaging to us and every American. The more we import from China, the more we only screw ourselves. In China the State is all powerful and our bankrolling their economy while they purchase our debt is one deadly combination. Watch and see in the future the buying of this country in bits and pieces by the Chinese government.

I have a Border Collie who is 5 yrs old that nibbles.?

Anything that is soft....pillows, blankets etc. It almost seems like contentment, pacifier etc. Anybody else who has a Border Collie that does this?

Why do people think yoga is evil and makes you not a christian..that is just to ask?

I was reading about Bono and Sting's religous beliefs and someone made a comment that sting did yoga so he couldn't be a christian...Bono is a very devout christian...due to their christianity and the conflict of rock n roll....U2 almost never was!! They prayed and felt secure enough in their convictions to carry on.

Selling freeware?

is selling freeware legal if there are no licenses or copyrights? please give me sources. I would like to sell hard to find freeware solutions online but I would first like to know if it is legal to, and how it can be legal (cd or direct download)

A serious question regarding pedophilia?

Why am I very suspicious about this post? Any Paedophiles should be named and shamed, and let the Local Community sort the issue out.

I have directions for a crochet cow scarf, with "udders" for fringe. Need directs for a bull scarf (ya know)

I have had a request for a fun gift of a "bull" scarf. Have made a similar one of a cow (black spots on white scarf, with pink udders on each end.) Anyone have any ideas??

Looking for the radio program, Walter B Love's Gospel Traxx?

Hello. I need some help here. I am trying to find the radio program "Gospel Traxx" with Host Walter B Love that is aired on Sunday mornings. Walter also runs the "Countdown" show on Saturdays. I have been a contempory R&B and contempory Gospel music listener for 32 years, and have been tuning in Walter's Countdown show for at least 20 years. I discovered Gospel Traxx in 1999, and find it to be the best radio program I ever heard. THE BEST. There is NOTHING LIKE IT. I live in Milwaukee Wis, and the FM radio station here, WKKV 100.7, (V-100) dropped Walter's Gospel Traxx a few years back, around 2004 or so. I have been trying to find it the whole time ever since. WKKV continues to run The Countdown, but not Gospel Traxx. It don't matter if the station that has Gospel Traxx is way out of state, as long as the station has online listening, so I can pick it up on my computer. If someone could let me know a online station that carries Gospel Traxx, let me know please. Thank you. Jeff


ok i met justin after his concert going to his limo!! LOL at like 2am he walked outside!!!!!... but the point is justin told me i could give it to a couple people because he told me it was hard to keep up with it but hes trying to answer them all but it s justinbiebs.jb@gmail.com he added me b/c i gave him my email but idk if he'll add ya but you can try..

Ok i just would like to know how this thing works...why did hilary clinton got out of the presidential race?

im not an american but very interested in the election...i think it does effect the world in general

How can I get students to attend my college?

For years...years I've been trying to boast the amount of studentalicles to my prestigous institution-I mean good lord am I that un-appealing? I offer oppurtunities of a millenium-time and yet I cannot get one single flarixcon to land on the school's President Hoover-pad. My jack-a-lope ring toss is supreme, as is my peanut-er and celly-phone pinata, yet students seem to waive me off. Zounds, I'm a Professor of the World for the Lord's Sake, an archaeologist of 2005's a artifacts, a Historian of Parrallel Worlds and Shapes, a Scientist capable of creating NaCl! For the love of Great Britain, please help me lads, I feel I cannot go on without sufficent help. Thank you for the advice, and good Hunt-Hog to you all...!

Experiencing such Raw Emotions!?

exactly why can the SW not discuss dad? she needs to clear that up for you. If she can't go to your social workers boss. You have a legal right to the information. It could be that their is involved and that is why the social worker doesn't want to tell you. Will your adoptive mom talk to the social worker and get the info?

Preschool teaching?

i just started teaching preschool children. i'm a 34 yr old male living in the Czech Republic teaching young Czech children English. any suggestions for activities i can give them?

What's with the Kool-Aid? Is it a new cause such as Farm-Aid? Did Willie Nelson Start This?

It is a saying that has been used since the Jonestown deaths, where over 900 people either drank, or were injected with strychnine laced cool ade.

Can this team win the championships? rate 1-10 and full, descriptive reply will get 10 points?

wow that was a loooong answer, you got a good squad, man. quality depth could be an issue, in the event of injuries or bye weeks. your starting lineup is great, though. If you win this year...it will be because of edwards and lynch...i suspect AP to have a down year. but, if nothing else, he's the best trade bait you can have

Why do polyatomic ions- such as Phosphate have a negative charge?

Not all polyatomic ions are negatively charged. For example, H3O+ is positively charged. Both of these are covalently bound because the electrons are shared by the atoms rather than staying on one atom or the other.

If you could bring a character out of your favourite book (alive) who would it be and from what book?

I honestly have no idea who I'd bring out. Maybe Lupin or Sirius so he could have some freedom for once.

What is a quick and easy way to diet?

I want to lose some weight like maybe 10 or 15 pounds. What are things I shouldn't eat, and should eat? I already am in kickboxing, and I am dancer but lets just say " i don't diet." Help please!

Do you think the song "Eruption" by Van Halen can be learned or do you need to have a natural gift at guitar

It can be learned, you just have to be patient and take small bites out of the solo. I have learned some very difficult solos over the years by just taking baby steps and being patient. If you are naturally gifted it would probably come easier. If you are currently playing guitar check out some websites that have guitar tabs and sit down and try it out. If you are thinking about playing, get yourself started with some gear and a teacher and learn the basics before you tackle something like Eruption. If you have a basic understanding about reading tab and the basic fundamentals of guitar it will make learning the song a little easier as well. Good luck, and remember...just have fun with it.